Targeting the New Screens in Our Lives

Tag: Rich Media

Intel Visibly Smart

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Intel Visibly Smart

9th April

The Objective:

Reach the maximum number of consumers in contextually relevant environments (Music, Gaming, Entertainment and Design) with highly engaging, interactive mobile ads.

The Challenge:

Create a series of Rich animated ads that allow consumers to express their creativity while showcasing the Intel Visibly Smart 2nd Gen Core Processor Family.

The Execution:

Highly engaging rich media mobile banners drove commuters on mobile to engage the Intel brand in a Visually Smart way with 4 market-first rich-media gaming concepts for music, gaming, video and design. Banner expanded directly over the app and msite content to reveal an interactive game and users were invited to take a visibly smart challenge . On successful completion of the challenge the user’s screen cracked to reveal a ‘Visibly Smart’ fact, challenging them to play again or share with a friend.


Exceeded Impression, Click , & CTR targets
Exceeded targeted unique audience goal
Exceeded targeted rich ad interaction benchmarks
Exceeded targeted completed game plays
Achieved bench mark social sharing goals