Targeting the New Screens in Our Lives

Mobile Marketing – What Not To Do

Posted on August 3rd, by Emily Rogers (Freeman) in Blog. No Comments

Rimma Kats from Mobile Marketer has identified a top list of Do’s and Don’ts for Mobile Marketing.

It’s a good list.  Here are a few of my favourites.


- start thinking about measurement in the early stages of your campaign

- have a simple and clear call-to-action above the fold of the phone screen.

- format your marketing emails for mobile.

- give people a way to unlock more information from traditional media using their mobile device.


- do mobile for mobile’s sake.

- treat mobile as an add-on.

- repurpose Web creative or run flat lifeless banners.

- make the consumer work harder than they need to.

- chase so-called shiny objects while neglecting the products and services in mobile that work.

Check out the full list and Rimma’s explanations on Mobile Marketer.